What is embossing?
Neil McCauley Neil McCauley

What is embossing?

If you've ever admired a beautifully embossed Bible cover and wondered, "How did they do that?" then this might be the article for you.

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Breaking in your Bible
Neil McCauley Neil McCauley

Breaking in your Bible

We created a new video on our YouTube channel explaining how to properly break in your Bible.

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Ostrich Leather Bible Rebind
Neil McCauley Neil McCauley

Ostrich Leather Bible Rebind

After some debate and searching, we’ve used ostrich leather for the first time! We’ve been searching for the right type and color for a while and found a beautiful Brandy MD ostrich leather.

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Here we go….
Neil McCauley Neil McCauley

Here we go….

We’ve thought about starting a blog for a while. It’s actually a scary thought. It’s not as if I have a ton of available time. However, we think we may have some information that you’re going to like going forward. It won’t all be about our rebinds, our even rebinds in general. Sure, we’ll have posts about that, but we also plan to include posts on various aspects concerning all things Bible. Feel free to check in and see what develops!

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