Brown leather-bound Bible.

When do you pay?

We’re a little old school. We don’t request deposits, or pre-payments. You don’t pay anything until your Bible rebinding project is complete. The only thing we require before we do a rebind is an approved estimate. We create that from your completed estimate request form.

Yes, our wait times have gotten longer over the years. I can only complete so many rebinds in a week. I don’t take shortcuts, so the wait time has gotten longer, but you keep your Bible until we’re actually ready to rebind it, and you don’t pay anything until your Bible rebind is complete. We’ll also send photos of your Bible when it’s finished.

We email your invoice upon completion. Your emailed invoice includes an online payment link. We accept ACH payments, American Express, Apple Pay, Discover, MasterCard, PayPal, Venmo, and Visa.