Ostrich Leather Bible Rebind

After some debate and searching, we’ve used ostrich leather for the first time! We’ve been searching for the right type and color for a while and found a beautiful Brandy MD ostrich leather. Ostrich leather which is well known for being strong, flexible, durable, and more so supple. Ostrich leather contains natural oils that resist cracking under high temperatures and prolonged exposure to the sun. Ostrich leather is a classic and is one of the strongest available leathers due to its high protein content. Ostrich leather is distinct in its appearance and is characterized by raised points (quills) that are localized to the center of the hide and are where the feather grew. The portion of the skin with these bumps is called the "crown". The crown is actually the back of the ostrich where the animal's neck meets its body. Only about a third of the whole skin has quill bumps.

The following video on our YouTube channel will show you the beauty of this magnificent leather.


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